• Dashboard Help Overlays with Figma

    When you get to explain a dashboard live to users, it’s easy to go over all the features. But what happens when you’re not around? One way to help users navigate your dashboard is to add a help overlay that pops up when they click a “help” icon on the dashboard. In this post, I’ll […]

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  • User-Friendly Spreadsheet Downloads in Tableau

    (Generated Sample Data) Have you ever gotten to the end of presenting a gorgeous interactive dashboard only for an audience member to say, “Well, this looks great – but where do we download the spreadsheet with all this information?” (Just me?)

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  • Embedding Surveys in Tableau Dashboards

    The webpage dashboard item in Tableau has a nearly unlimited number of uses. One that clicked into place for me recently was the ability to embed surveys into dashboards to collect new information from users without the need for a third-party Tableau add on.

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  • Filterable Word Clouds in Tableau (With Pivots!)

    Word clouds – randomly arranged collections of the most common words used in a text, where word size varies with how frequently it’s used – have a bit of a mixed reputation in data analytics circles. While the argument can certainly be made that there are more precise ways of showing word frequency, it’s also […]

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